Colwyn Sunderland, Vice-Chair

Infrastructure Planning Engineer, Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. (BC, Canada)

Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Vice-Chair: Board of Directors; Board Executive/Finance Committee
Chair: Board Policy Committee
Co-Chair: Board Strategic Direction/Planning Committee

Colwyn is an infrastructure planning engineer with Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. in Victoria, BC with over 20 years of experience in consulting, local government and industry in the water sector.  Colwyn is licensed to practice professional engineering in BC within the municipal water, wastewater and stormwater disciplines, and his work is focused primarily on water demand management  and municipal infrastructure management. Colwyn has worked with utilities serving populations of a few hundred to a few million on water efficiency plans and programs, and specializes in demand forecasting, program design and evaluation, industrial, commercial and institutional programs, irrigation, water rate design, metering, distribution system water loss management and asset management planning. Colwyn has been actively involved in leadership of water industry associations since the 1990s, and is a past President of the British Columbia Water and Waste Association and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association.