AWE Cooling Technology Study: Identifying Cooling Towers and Estimating Water Use

Join AWE, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Maureen Erbeznik & Associates to learn more about AWE’s Cooling Technology Study.  This webinar will focus on the newly released AWE Cooling Tower Estimating Model and guide titled, Taking Inventory: A Guide for Identifying Cooling Towers and Estimating Water Use.  The team will also talk about additional project resources that will be issued throughout 2021, and how AWE members can access all of this valuable work.  Staff from the Municipal Water District of Orange County will also share their experience using CTEM.


Recording coming soon.

Thursday, April 8, 2021
11 a.m. PDT | Noon MDT | 1 p.m. CDT | 2 p.m. EDT
1 hour


Tyler Harris - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Brian Boyd - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Maureen Erbeznik - Maureen Erbeznik & Associates
Rachel Waite - Municipal Water District of Orange County
Sam Fetter - Municipal Water District of Orange County
Ron Burke - Alliance for Water Efficiency
Bill Christiansen - Alliance for Water Efficiency