Financing Sustainable Water: Solutions to Help Managers Align Rates, Revenue and Resources

The Alliance for Water efficiency (AWE) has launched a new series of resources and tools to provide practical information to water managers on developing, evaluating and implementing rate structures that balance revenue management, resource efficiency and fiscal sustainability.  This webinar introduces AWE’s handbook on rate setting entitled Building Better Water Rates for an Uncertain World, and demonstrates the new AWE Sales Forecasting and Rate Model.  Visit

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
11 a.m. PDT | Noon MDT | 1 p.m. CDT | 2 p.m. EDT
1 hour


Mary Ann Dickinson, President and CEO, Alliance for Water Efficiency; Thomas Chesnutt, Owner, A&N Technical Services, Inc.; Bill Christiansen, Program Manager, Alliance for Water Efficiency; Megan Chery, Director of Development and Partnerships, Alliance for Water Efficiency
