Never Waste Campaign: Change the Way Your Customers Use Water in 2014

It’s more important than ever to get customers thinking differently about their water use as demands on water grow.  AWE’s Never Waste campaign is a consumer-facing educational campaign built around the idea of a water bottle to quantify and measure how much water we waste daily – and it’s free for member use!  Learn about how this campaign can help you engage customers and partners, and change the way they think about water through free, easy-to-use resources such as digital advertising images, marketing collateral and educational content.  Learn what’s new for Never Waste in 2014, and get fresh ideas on how to creatively use these resources in your community. You will also hear from the City of Ventura in California about how they forged partnerships within their community to reach their customers through creative platforms, and cost-effectively leveraged campaign resources to make a splash through owned properties, media and events.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
11 a.m. PDT | Noon MDT | 1 p.m. CDT | 2 p.m. EDT
1 hour


Mary Ann Dickinson, President and CEO, Alliance for Water Efficiency; Megan Chery, Director of Development and Partnerships, Alliance for Water Efficiency; Nancy Broschart, Management Analyst, Ventura Water