Join Us in Chicago for our 2024 Symposium

We look forward to hosting the 2nd Annual Water Efficiency & Conservation Symposium in Chicago, August 6-8, 2024 at the Chicago-Kent College of Law. The 2024 Symposium will build upon the fantastic inaugural event and feature all the great things you have come to expect in an AWE event. Join us for three days of professional development, meaningful relationship building, and idea sharing. The program will feature a mix of short presentations, panels, and roundtables, primarily focusing on actionable research and resources and peer-to-peer learning pertinent to all water efficiency and sustainability professionals.

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2023 Inaugural Symposium

Thank you to everyone who made our 1st Annual Water Efficiency & Conservation Symposium such a wonderful event! The energy from attendees was palpable, from laughter echoing throughout Chicago’s iconic Navy Pier at the Welcome Reception on night one, the buzz of classroom sessions where participants broke into small group discussions, and heated debates taking place over Poll EV on some of the most pressing issues facing water conservation practitioners.

The AWE staff and Board of Directors are hopeful that the dialogue sparked in Chicago will have positive ripple effects across North America as attendees return home with fresh ideas, new questions, and hopeful best practices to implement in their communities.A range of topics was covered in the Symposium’s two-track program agenda, including sessions such as “Future Visions for Conservation Programs: New Development & Long-term Planning”, Water Efficiency: Exploring Equitable and Effective Solutions to Address Affordability”, and “State Perspectives on Water Conservation, Drought, & Climate Change”. Symposium materials are available here for attendees to access.